surjective but not injective integers

surjective but not injective integers
Find a function f:Z->Z which is injective but not surjective.Discrete math question. Injective and Surjective? - Yahoo! Answers.
algebra precalculus - Function - Injectivity and Surjectivity.
Provide and justify an example for a surjective but not injective.
For example, [4.1] = 4 because 4 is the greatest integer that is less than or equal to. c) f now becomes surjective, but is still not injective (same.

I'm looking for a function N --> N that is surjective but not injective.. f(x)=[(x+1)/2] ([x] is the largest integer smaller or equal to x) for N={1,2,3.}.
Sep 18, 2012. $f$ is not injective, and $g$ is not surjective, but $fcirc g$ is bijective .. $f(x)=2x$ and $g(x)=x/2$ will do for integers (round in some way for.
surjective but not injective integers
Number Theory: An Introduction to Mathematics - Google Books Result.Give an example of a function f: R-> Z which is surjective but not.
calculus - Injective function that is not surjective - Mathematics Stack.
Function N --> N that is surjective, but not injective? - Yahoo.
Provide and justify an example for a surjective but not injective. More interesting example: G = Z , the integers, H = {0,1} = Z/2Z Define f(n) = 0.
III) Injective [Since every positive integer maps into unique y value], but not surjective [since non perfect square values are not mapped].
Jan 24, 2011. The image is the set of integers (as a subset of Q: im f = {q. (a) Give an example of a function which is injective, but not surjective. An example.